Steel construction production

The hall is approx. 950 m2, equipped with 5 t overhead crane and shot-pinning chamber 5x21 m. Production technology is based on producing steel construction elements (i.e. posts, roof girders) etc. not only for the premises but also for other contractors. Construction is welded with semiautomatic machines in technical gas shroud. Depending on the customer, we also offer:

  • abrasive cleaning up to cleaning group: Sa 2.5;
  • painting the construction (layers from binary alkyd paint and fire control paint).

We have a certificate issued by AFC S.A. to paint with fire control paint Flame Control (No 173).

Productivity capability of the manufacturer - 80 t/month.

Rodzaje rur
Metalowy szkielet budowli
Metalowa konstrukcja
Metalowe laczenia

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